tHe BuZZ ....
DiaRy Of A dJ


RETRO 80's REWIND | DiaRy Of A dJ | tHe hAngiNg gArdeN | BooK tHe b-mAn! | tHe rOLLing Archives | Mailbag

Its a MIXED up life!

The Life & Times Of a Dj - (Uncens'ErD!!!)

Ben dAre Dunn Dat (sept.17 03)
Well What a  WEEKEND..
Friday evening came: My daughter came up and We ate dinner ..I went and sat up for the Rail Road thingy at the carmela room..came home and hung out with my kid ..she went to bed..i got my cds and stuff ready for the music fest and went to bed...
SATURDAY: Woke up ..jumped in the shower, woke jade up and went to the Carmela room around 9:30 am and meant an Old friend i havent seen in eons Steve Miller (whom i hope keeps in contact with me!) We watched an awesome slideshow..ate dinner..tore down and off to the KEYSTONE i went...sat up my equipment for the MFest..and in walks Rege and diana.....Less than an hour later..THE MUSIC FEST was On its way starting out with myself for about a Half hour, then capn ken, johnathan tarr, slightly used, ELVIS, sensible shoes,and reunited JUMPHER band!!!...
2am Sat: gotta pIzzA..came home and ate, Had SEX, fell asleep, woke up to pee 2 x...
SUNDAY am: woke up and pee'd again (damn beer!)..made coffee, drank whole pot..woke up stef... got shower..woke stef up again.. got music ready for my 80's show..woke stef up again..jade came home from staying at pappys...woke stef up again...she got in the shower and we took Jade down Lock haven to meet up with her mom...we came home and ate dinner at stef's grams... Went and had a beer at the Sons, walked down and saw re-creation (AWESOME!!)....went to the station and did my retro 80's show at 7pm..came home...tucked Stef into bed and got on the puter for a went to bed (COUCH)..masterbated and fell asleep!~ now dat iz a bizzzzzzzzy weekend!

a thought for a whisper
(September 12th 03)
Well we are in the middle of getting our bathroom remodled...its actually looking quite nice..anythings better than b4..I can actually get out of the shower without my ass hitting the wall..and i dont have to flop my dick over the sink in order to grab a towel off the shelf..So this new remodled bathroom is a plus & a must!..Well the MUSIC FEST is tomorrow...I hope it goes as well as last year..i had a blast!! im not really looking 4ward to Cap'n Ken..just not my spot of tea...but hey what the fuck do i know??
 seems my webpage is turning into a morgue of sorts with Zevon's death and Cash's death..i didnt dare put Ritter's death on there..youd think it was an obbitchuary..(did i spell that right??)..Page..ummm?
 I was told today by a verizon  lady on the phone..that i had a very sexy voice..(burrp!)
damn! im gassy...(spppewwww!)...well anyway
..bucktail won 3 in a row..good goin' guys!!!
later all I gotta run!

aug.26th entry
This town is dying a slow death...and im in the middle of it..some kids the other day in fuckin' broad day light robbed the exxon station ..turned out to be some of the kids who robbed sockys a few months b4 really upsets me to see this town fall into such a state of chaos..this town used to be a fun place but with all the DRUGS and the criminal activities..I find myself leaving my house less often and stearing away from all the losers...Yeah, im not saying i never smoked pot ...but this shooting up and pill popping is INSANE..I guess your life must really suck to sink so low to stick that needle in yourself..or to pop some pills and pass out on the couch for 4 days cuz you took half the bottle and dont realize it!!!...I just cant imagine why you would want to do any of it..IS IT COOL?..IS IT THE "IN THING"?..if thats cool then call me a fuckin' nerd...
 People in HELLNOVO dont even go out like they use to in the 80's and early 90's ..I used to play at the keystone and the moose all the time and i'd always have a big adays people dont like to have a good time I guess..this town is turning into a ghost town!!..I mean look at all the buildings and houses..falling apart..what shame..and the some kids destroy what we do have (EX: the 16th st. park)..
 I ask myself why do i live here? I could make so much more money somewhere else djing..Ive been told several times .."you need to get out of have so much talent!!!"..and yet i stay...WHY?
 I guess i care too much..even tho' i didnt really grow up here this town is my hometown...the people in it are for the most part a family of sorts..even if your not know them or you are aquainted with them..friends...I guess thats why i stay.?

tHe DANCELESS SUMMER(end of aug.'03):
well as school time aproaches and the kids get ready to hit the books once again...I find myself kinda upset this summer seemed to fly by so fast...but there were hardly any teen dances at all...alot of the kids i think have given up on dances anymore..or could care less when there is one..although i did get alot of calls over the summer asking when the NEXT ONE WAS...Hopefully, this coming school year dances will start back up again and the booty shakin' will begin once again!
support your local youth group kids this is what keeps the dances goin..if theres NO KIDS IN THE YOUTH GROUP..well, then theres NO YOUTH GROUP..which means ummmmmm..NO DANCES!..for now this is the b mAn buzzing off..later!


In details...of groupies, wild nights, dance disasters, crazy weddings and  more its all in gLenie b stYle!

Stripping the rock god-(Aug.6)
Sometimes it seems music now-a-days has gone to Hell...why do i say this?..i'm a fucking disc jockey!... Everything is oh-so commercial you have the sell-outs who call themselves "PUNK" like good charlotte and simple plan ( S.P. to me sound like a ripped off version of BLINK 182)which infact these bands are pure pop..these are the NEW NSyncs and backstreet boys...if you think about it..the music genre just switched!
 Then we have the NU-Rockers..they all try to sound like someone else, i getem confused really..chevelle, sounds like staind, trapt is a poor mans papa roach and evenescence is really linkin park with a hot lookin' babe!
 The rap-wars roll on: who cares that 50 cent hates jarule and jarule thinks eminem is a dork..and chingy is the new Mc flava of the week yadda yadda yadda...i just wanna shake my tale feather of it all sometimes, cuz its 'Zall A-bunCha BytCh-yin to me!
then theres that rap-metal thing..thank god that kind of music is dying a slow pain-ful fred durst death! (which reminds me he changed the new album title again for the 6th time for the new cd..)
 Then you have your 'dave-wanna-bees'(dave matthews):jason maraz, john mayer, josh groban, ben harper, jack johnson..(etc)
 Isn't Train and Matchbox 20 the same band?
 Kid rock is country now right?
 Every pop star is off of AMERICAN IDOL right?
 MTV is actually  RAPtv huh?
 avril lavigne is a rocker chick?? I think courtney love and joan jett would eat her for breakfast and spit out the ties!
 how many times can radio beat a song to death? ladies and gentlemen heres "Dont know why" from norah jones just one more time! GRrrrrrrrrrr!.........
 There really is not much that impresses me music wise anymore..with in the last few years I fell in love with the garage rock that has been exploding on the scene like: the white stripes, the strokes, the yeah yeah yeahs and the vines (etc)..its refreshing!
 Hopefully soon something or someone will come along and kick music in its ASS and turn things up-side down..I want a NEW KURT COBAIN..(where the fuck is my nirvana?)

2nd entry -(beggers banquet)- (july 31st'03)
During my 18 yrs of djing ive meant some very.. ( do i say this?) eager girls?
 Ya know the kind im talkin' about..Ones that come up and request a song or 3 and brush their boobs up against ya...(on purpose and giggle).
 I actually lost my virginity to one of these kinds of girls...No i dont know what her name was nor do i remember how we got hooked up ..all i know is i was djing in a under 21 club in NY state, i was a pUnkY 13yr old, she was a sexy african american cutie, 16 and drove..(A MINI-VAN!)..the song that echoed off the radio was Scorpion's -"NO ONE LIKE YOU"-
the backseat was leather and stuck to my ass like duct-tape...
 These kind of things happen alot through out my teen-age and early 20s dj Life..ive gotten hit on by men also..with my wild persona, alota  narrow-minded guys in the surrounding Renovo area always thought i was queer (and i could tell you alotta guys in Renovo who have hit on me, that you would think were straight!)..It always made me laugh cuz these guys calling me a 'queer' and a 'fag' and here i was probably getting more Pussy than they could ever imagine.
 I, one time went Home with a coors lite chick after A SUTS COORS LITE PARTY...i dont remember her name...but all through the nite she was coming on to me..Play the Talking Heads she'd say..and giggle..she stood beside me for almost the whole night, whispering in my ear, licking my neck, Pinching my Ass etc...So after i was done and tore down my equipment, we hooked up..went to Sockys ate and went home and we..How can i say this? exchanged bottle caps!
 Then there was the Bartender at a LHU banquet i was at a fancy hotel witha' big ball room and i arrived early, me and my dj partner at the time set up the equipment and went over to the bar for some alca'hol abuse..there bartending was a brunette named Lynn and she insisted on serving us the 'drink-"BLOW-JOBS"- she said this was her fave drink and we must drink it and we did so..then during the dance the only drink she would give us for free was the "BLOW-JOB" drink thats what we drank...when the night was over some of the college kids invited us up to a room they had reserved to party with we did!
 When we were done packing up the truck and getting ready to go pArTy, Lynn slipped outside with us to smoke a ciggerette...and thats where we both found out why that was her FAVE drink...and rightly so! We all then went up to the room and partied the night away and my what a party it was!!!
 Now in my 30's and settled down..i look back on all the wild things that have happend over the years and laugh...Ive done some crazy stuff in my past and believe you/me there is a whole bunch more i will write..this is just a glance inside of what it was like back in the 80's and 90's...a whisper if you will..(maybe more like a SCREAM), inside the life of a club dj!
1st Entry -(retrospect)- (july 29th'03):
Sometimes I feel like i live in a music tunnel..My life has always evolved around music, ever sence i was a child..One of my earliest music memories is when i was about 5 goin into my aunt Dar's bedroom and listening to her Led Zepp & alice cooper albums while the other kids were outside playing kick ball..yeah, im sure they thought i was a pussy..cuz I never played any sports or went fishing or did cRaZy KiD stuff..I was always content in my bedroom. Even as a teenager, i would set for hours in my room..making tapes, teaching myself to dj with my 2 tape decks and 2 turn-tables...and of course a mammoth record collection ..thanks to money my mom would give me for chores and stuff..Id save it all up and go to the Mall in Jamestown Ny. and buy Records every week...I was mostely into Punk & new wave back in the early 80's like the cure, black flag, buzzcocks, thompson twins, soft cell and adam dressing style was over the top....the more teased my hair was the better, black eyeliner, lipstick and blush..Im sure i looked like a 2-bit whore...but i was PUNK...My friends always said i looked like Robert Smith from the CURE..and of course i didnt argue the fact sense i worshiped the man!
  I would watch MTV for days it seemed like catching NEW bands as they debute Like Duran Duran, INXS, Quiet Riot, and (THUD!!!!!! ..then came..) JOAN JETT...thats when i fell in love with the God Mother Of Punk, 1982, 1st boner - joan jett video for 'I love rock n roll'...
I knew who Joan Jett was she was the singer/guitarist for the all girl band the runaways which i had a 45 record called "cherry bomb' (of course this was way b4 music videos)
 Man, everscence that day..ive always been attracted to women with lotsa eyeliner, jet-black hair, a leather jackit and who would kick my ass in a second!
Anyway, as i was saying (b4 something ..umm-sprung up)...Music has always been apart of my life and I have a shitload of stories floatin' in my head that are screaming for me to tell you..stories of groupies, partying, perfecting my dj style, Doin' sound & lights for bands(TOYZ) and the wild nights & drinking binges, Crazy women, WaCky guys, im gonna let it ALL unfold here!

"you talk about things that nobody cares, your wearin' things that nobody wears" (Aerosmith-sweet emotion- 1975)

"what an idiot?!"
gLenie b quote 329