2nd entry -(beggers banquet)- (july 31st'03)
During my 18 yrs of djing ive meant some very.. (Umm...how do i say this?) eager girls?
Ya know the kind im talkin' about..Ones that come up and request a song or 3 and brush their boobs up against ya...(on purpose and giggle).
I actually lost my virginity to one of these kinds of girls...No i dont know what her name was nor do i remember how we got hooked up ..all i know is i was djing in a under 21 club in NY state, i was a pUnkY 13yr old, she was a sexy african american cutie, 16 and drove..(A MINI-VAN!)..the song that echoed off the radio was Scorpion's -"NO ONE LIKE YOU"-
the backseat was leather and stuck to my ass like duct-tape...
These kind of things happen alot through out my teen-age and early 20s dj Life..ive gotten hit on by men also..with my wild persona, alota narrow-minded guys in the surrounding Renovo area always thought i was queer (and i could tell you alotta guys in Renovo who have hit on me, that you would think were straight!)..It always made me laugh cuz these guys calling me a 'queer' and a 'fag' and here i was probably getting more Pussy than they could ever imagine.
I, one time went Home with a coors lite chick after A SUTS COORS LITE PARTY...i dont remember her name...but all through the nite she was coming on to me..Play the Talking Heads she'd say..and giggle..she stood beside me for almost the whole night, whispering in my ear, licking my neck, Pinching my Ass etc...So after i was done and tore down my equipment, we hooked up..went to Sockys ate and went home and we..How can i say this? exchanged bottle caps!
Then there was the Bartender at a LHU banquet i meant..it was at a fancy hotel witha' big ball room and i arrived early, me and my dj partner at the time set up the equipment and went over to the bar for some alca'hol abuse..there bartending was a brunette named Lynn and she insisted on serving us the 'drink-"BLOW-JOBS"- she said this was her fave drink and we must drink it and we did so..then during the dance the only drink she would give us for free was the "BLOW-JOB" drink ..so thats what we drank...when the night was over some of the college kids invited us up to a room they had reserved to party with them..so we did!
When we were done packing up the truck and getting ready to go pArTy, Lynn slipped outside with us to smoke a ciggerette...and thats where we both found out why that was her FAVE drink...and rightly so! We all then went up to the room and partied the night away and my what a party it was!!!
Now in my 30's and settled down..i look back on all the wild things that have happend over the years and laugh...Ive done some crazy stuff in my past and believe you/me there is a whole bunch more i will write..this is just a glance inside of what it was like back in the 80's and 90's...a whisper if you will..(maybe more like a SCREAM), inside the life of a club dj!
1st Entry -(retrospect)- (july 29th'03):
Sometimes I feel like i live in a music tunnel..My life has always evolved around music, ever sence i was a child..One of my earliest music memories is when i was about 5 goin into my aunt Dar's bedroom and listening to her Led Zepp & alice cooper albums while the other kids were outside playing kick ball..yeah, im sure they thought i was a pussy..cuz I never played any sports or went fishing or did cRaZy KiD stuff..I was always content in my bedroom. Even as a teenager, i would set for hours in my room..making tapes, teaching myself to dj with my 2 tape decks and 2 turn-tables...and of course a mammoth record collection ..thanks to money my mom would give me for chores and stuff..Id save it all up and go to the Mall in Jamestown Ny. and buy Records every week...I was mostely into Punk & new wave back in the early 80's like the cure, black flag, buzzcocks, thompson twins, soft cell and adam ant...my dressing style was over the top....the more teased my hair was the better, black eyeliner, lipstick and blush..Im sure i looked like a 2-bit whore...but i was PUNK...My friends always said i looked like Robert Smith from the CURE..and of course i didnt argue the fact sense i worshiped the man!
I would watch MTV for days it seemed like catching NEW bands as they debute Like Duran Duran, INXS, Quiet Riot, and (THUD!!!!!! ..then came..) JOAN JETT...thats when i fell in love with the God Mother Of Punk, 1982, 1st boner - joan jett video for 'I love rock n roll'...
I knew who Joan Jett was she was the singer/guitarist for the all girl band the runaways which i had a 45 record called "cherry bomb' (of course this was way b4 music videos)
Man, everscence that day..ive always been attracted to women with lotsa eyeliner, jet-black hair, a leather jackit and who would kick my ass in a second!
Anyway, as i was saying (b4 something ..umm-sprung up)...Music has always been apart of my life and I have a shitload of stories floatin' in my head that are screaming for me to tell you..stories of groupies, partying, perfecting my dj style, Doin' sound & lights for bands(TOYZ) and the wild nights & drinking binges, Crazy women, WaCky guys, im gonna let it ALL unfold here!